18 ways to change your fortune: 1. Work hard in obscurity. Lucky people focus on action. They spend their time on important things rather than bragging and showing off. They always focus on better work performance. 2. Get along with positive and optimistic people. 3. Infuse your mind with positive thoughts every day. Sometimes we may randomly have negative thoughts that then have a negative impact on our actions. Consciously choosing the right words and actions requires us to consciously choose the right thoughts. For example, wake up every morning and say to yourself, "Every day, in every way, I am getting better and better." 4. Don’t think too much, take action immediately. Many people often find themselves in a situation where they are undecided about the choices before them. In fact, the worst decision is not to make a decision. Success comes from good judgment; good judgment comes from experience; experience comes from bad judgment. So, even if you make a bad judgment now, it will eventually lead you to good judgment, as long as you learn the lesson. 5. Have a clear and specific goal. Lucky people have a very clear goal. And no matter what happens, they will always keep their eyes on their set goals. 6. Accept imperfection. They don’t say, “Now is not the best time.” But they will say, "Now is the best time." They know that the right time will never come to them automatically, so they will create the best time immediately. 7. Don’t care about other people’s criticism. Lucky people are not distracted by the words of naysayers, skeptics, or haters. They don’t allow negative thoughts to influence their minds. They are motivated to try and improve. 8. Listen more to your inner guidance. Lucky people are often motivated by their emotions. Thinking is important, but we often have to rely on our hearts to guide us. When we face difficult situations, there is often a conflict between our thoughts and our feelings, and lucky people tend to follow the guidance of their hearts rather than their heads. 9. Focus on results, not plans. Plans change. Unexpected events can undo the best laid plans. But the result will not be. A happy marriage, smart children, meaningful work and a successful career—these are usually our constant goals. 10. Take massive action. Lucky people are willing to try things, even if they might fail. They don't sit still, but try again and again until everything becomes clear. 11. Be willing to communicate with others at any time. Lucky people welcome and share their ideas with anyone who is willing to listen. Often one idea leads to another new idea. 12. Focus on today, every day. By letting go of the past and focusing on the present moment, lucky people focus their energy on the things they can change in the here and now. They don't worry about yesterday or tomorrow. 13. Firm belief in overcoming difficulties. Lucky people may also encounter setbacks, but they will keep moving forward because they firmly believe that as long as they persevere they can get out of failure and achieve the results they want. 14. Believe in yourself. They are not conceited. Lucky people believe that each of us possesses a powerful inner strength, a resilience that enables us to achieve great things. 15. Be curious. They will ask questions about simple things to anyone they know. They want to understand how things work. They are inquisitive explorers. They welcome new ideas, concepts or perspectives. 16. Be grateful. Lucky people see life as a gift and they do things with a grateful heart. 17. Admit that you are not extremely smart. Lucky people learn new things and become smarter by constantly trying. They acknowledge their shortcomings and mistakes and are able to learn from them and move on immediately. They know that happiness and success in life come from continuous learning. 18. Serve others and help others. Lucky people are very generous in helping and serving others, both at work and in their personal lives. They know that if they put all their efforts into helping others get what they want, their own needs will be met as well.
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