mouse If a rat bites someone's clothes, he will get what he wanted. If the rat runs away, good things will happen to the owner. A cat catching mice will bring wealth, while a white mouse leading passers-by will bring help. ox A yellow ox brings wealth to the family, and blood on the ox's horns means three officials. When a cow gives birth to a calf, all your wishes are fulfilled; when leading cattle and sheep, the whole family is happy. If a buffalo comes to a house, there will be a funeral; if a buffalo hits a person, nothing will go well. It is auspicious for a cow to go up the hill, and the buffalo is the ancestor asking for food. Riding a cow into the city means good news, and riding a cow out means good things will come immediately. Tiger A man riding a tiger will do no evil; a man who roars like a tiger will be promoted to an official position. If a tiger enters the house, the official will have an important position; if a camel, tiger or leopard enters the house, the official will have a seal. rabbit A group of rabbits will bring you an important position, and a white rabbit entering the house will bring good luck. dragon Riding a dragon to heaven brings great wealth, while dragons and snakes entering the house bring wealth. If a dragon or snake kills someone, it will be a disaster. If a dragon or snake enters the stove, there will be an official appointment. If a dragon is in front of the door, it will bring great fortune; if the dragon dies, the person will lose his noble position. Riding a dragon up the mountain, one's wish was fulfilled; when the dragon fell into a well, the official was humiliated. Riding a dragon into the water will bring you a noble position, while looking for success in the dragon's eye in the water will bring success. snake A snake that follows a man means his wife is unfaithful; a snake with a red or black mouth means good or bad luck. If a snake comes to you, you will feel dizzy; if a snake bites you, you will get rich. If a snake walks in a valley, there will be quarrels; if the snake is yellow or white, there will be official affairs. |
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