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Retro Original Sega Dreamcast DC Console SATA Hard Drive game 500G HDD games Bios Freezone Dreamboot Dreamshell RetroDream
500G game list
- Please do not change the console motherboard, and don't change the hard disk content, this is very important.
- The console motherboard was installed with Bios Dreamshell, not compatible with CD-ROM or GDEMU.
In the RetroDream version, If a game cannot be read, the new system can change Settings through the game console, no need to remove the hard drive and connect it to a computer.
- Console Modem does not have any function, it is just installed on the machine to make the appearance more complete
- If you want to modify other games, please backup 500GB of hard drive data in advance
- The game console with SATA hard drive, compatible with SSD too. The SATA or SSD hard disk must be greater than or equal to 256 GB.
- Dreamcast console internal a SATA 500G hard disk with about 480 games more.
- Model: 220V PAL, 110V NTSC
- The console is the RetroDream V2 version, which Supports changes to other CDI, ISO, and GDI formats to start games.
- The console is originally used, not 100% new, There are scratches or yellow on the exterior surface.
- 500G hard disk is SATA 2.5" FAT32 format by Windows 10, not Apple's macOS
- Plug and play. Don't need to change other
- The case may be yellow or slightly defective.